Tuesday, May 5, 2015


I was listening to one of my favorite morning radio shows this morning- The Bob & Sheri Show laughing (as always) at their crazy antics and listeners.  This morning's show hit home for me in so many ways.  They were talking about the crazy diet tactics people have done over the years trying to lose weight QUICKLY!  You know those absolutely insane tactics that we all know WILL NOT WORK but we convince ourselves that maybe just this once it will.  The funny part is as I was laughing along I realized I, myself, had tried several of the tactics that their listeners were calling in and discussing.  Should I name a few...... grapefruit diet, apple cider vinegar diet, juicing diet, boiled egg and cabbage (we won't even discuss the results of THAT!! ) and of course simply starving myself.
Actually that's what all of those so called "diets" have in common, they are all starvation methods. You lose 5,10, 30 pounds in 2 weeks and wam bam you are one happy lady.  Ha you aren't happy about the weight loss, you are happy that the 2 weeks is up and you can start eating again- and you eat, and eat and eat.  50+ pounds and 2 weeks  later you are depressed, angry, whatever b/c you failed once again.  It's a constant dieting yo-yo. 
The key factor that all of these "lose weight immediately" schemes have going is that they DO NOT advocate exercise!!!  You know why?  Well for one your body isn't getting enough calories to sustain an actual workout (you would pass out ) but the other thing is because WE ARE LAZY!!  We want INSTANT GRATIFICATION/RESULTS without having to sweat and work for it!  So we see these crazy weight loss schemes and jump on it because they don't require us to actually do anything but starve!!
Hey I am as guilty as you and the next person!  I am not calling you anything that I wouldn't call myself :)  Heck it took me until I was 41 to finally realize that in order for my body to look like I wanted it, to lose that weight (that took me 41 years to put on) and to feel good that I was actually going to have to EXERCISE AND CHANGE MY EATING!!!  Imagine taking such drastic measures!!
I know that we all have CRAZY, BUSY lives!  This world we live in seems to be all about going, running, doing and getting everything INSTANTLY!  I used to think that when I started running, or exercising or the gym that I should lose weight IMMEDIATELY, because after all that's what we expect from everything else.  I cannot begin to tell you how many times I have failed at exercising and losing weight simply because I thought that I should get immediate results. 
Well I finally wised up in October 2013 and decided to try losing weight the old fashioned way- by exercising and eating healthier.  I knew that I would need support and motivation or else I would quit after about 2 weeks because although it had taken me 41 years to put on that weight, I wanted it off in weeks.  I was fortunate enough to come across a Facebook post about joining an online accountability group.  This group consisted of around 15 other women who were struggling just like me but were determined to be successful.  For 30 days we posted every day about our workout, how we were doing with our eating, our struggles and just encouraging everyone else to not give up.  At the end of that 30 days I had only lost around 5 pounds, but I convinced myself to sign up for another 30. Little by little the inches and weight started disappearing.  I started feeling better physically and my blood pressure went down.  And guess what- I wasn't starving myself and I wasn't devastated that I didn't lose 30 lbs in a month! 
It is now May 2015 and I am STILL exercising and eating healthier AND I am still in a workout accountability group!  That is 18 months of working on changing my lifestyle so that I can feel great and live a healthier life.  I am a completely different person than I was back then.  I feel so much better, have so much more energy, my blood pressure is lower and I have lost around 28 pounds and lots of inches.  I am so glad I got off of that crazy diet roller coaster and decided to take the time to take care of my body the way it was supposed to be. 
If you are tired of treating your body badly and are ready to tackle those bad eating habits and workout failures I would love for you to join us in May for one of my workout accountability groups.  I AM NOT going to promise you any kind of results because the results are based on how you exercise and change your eating.  I WILL promise you that I will be there with you EVERY day encouraging you, giving you advice on what is good to eat and what is not, asking you if you did your workout and helping you to develop a healthy lifestyle.
ARE YOU READY TO DO THIS THE RIGHT WAY?  If so, click on the link below and fill out the application.  I will contact you to get you started.  You may also message me on Facebook @ Tanya Rogers.